September 2016

Red at Night
Red at Night, 16" x 16"

Red at Night, 16″ x 16,” Encaustic on Panel
The piece “Red at Night” will be shown in the gallery at Verge Center of the Arts during the open studio tours, September 10-11th, closing on September 30th.

Electricity, Cyanotype, 11" x 17"
Electricity,11″ x 17,” Cyanotype













Another example of my cyanotypes, printed on archival watercolor paper. This and many more will be shown in Studio 31 at Verge Center for the Arts.





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And that’s the Truth, 15″ x 15″ x 18,” Felted Wool Roving
My piece for the Lily Tomlin Show will be up another month, till the end of September at Fe Gallery

Categorized as 2016

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