2014 Art Shows

Under the Gordian Tree

Meet Up at the Gordian Tree, digital drawing, 20′ x 30″

Voted  2014 Best Visual Artist by Sacramento News and Review.


Invitational Small Works at E Street, 1115 E Street


En Em Art Space, Sugar Rush,  juried show, Sacramento, December – January



Opening Reception on Second Saturday, December 13, 2014

















Synesthesia – I’ve been selected to be in this juried show at the Nelson Gallery in Davis, Ca.

It is only for 1 night – November 22  7 pm- 9 pm.







E Street Invitational Show

Mark your Calendars now!

Mixed Media Invitational, November exhibit at E Street

Opening Reception, Thursday, November 6th 5:00-7:00 p.m.

2nd Saturday Reception, November 8th, 6:00-9:00 p.m.


I  have 2 pieces in the auction for the  Sheltered  Art Exhibit                                 

  Location:  Davis Arts Center, 1919 F Street, Davis, CA

  Dates  opening reception: October 10, 2014 6 pm- 10 pm

Open till Nov 14th for the Art Auction

More info at: http://shelteredartshow.org


On Going Events:

Visit my CADA Utility Box  located at 10th and 0 Street,  Sacramento


Past Events

Sacramento Cast Tour – September 13 – 14th, 10 am – 5 pm

I will be participating in the tour. I am at Verge Center for the Arts, Studio 10.


July 2014

Axis Gallery

Members Show

625 S Street

Sacramento, CA


August- Sept 2014

Pence Gallery


212 D Street

Davis, CA


You can also see my public art work, Art of the Dumpster – Last Stand: August 9th from 10:00 – 3:00

Location: Power Inn Road, Sacramento.

Tune in to KVIE “Arts Showcase,” July 29th at 7pm to see feature Art of the Dumpster segment:



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