August 2017

Upcoming Show

This creature will be in the Little Monster Show at Fe Gallery on Second Saturday, August 12th.
He is felted with ceramic arms and legs and displayed in a plexibox that looks like something that should be in a natural history museum. You’ll have to come out to see it for yourself, but if you can’t I’ll post some images on instagram.





The Time for Donations was now!

I’ve spent the last few months giving donations to several venues. Below is some of the highlights that have happened and one that is upcoming in October.

I’ve donated this piece “Green Damsels”  for the KVIE Art Auction. It won the award for best in the contemporary art category. Here’s a link about the auction that will be in broadcast live October 6-8th.

Green Damsels, 15″ x 15″


















This piece was donated to the Inner Soul Show at Uptown Gallery to help build a hospice facility for the homeless. I am glad I was able to support this event. I also made a companion piece that wasn’t in the show.


Titles: for the donated one is The Left Blue Shoe and the other one is: The Right Blue Shoe.












This piece was for the Nasty Women show – also a benefit fundraiser for Wellspring Women’s Center and My Sister’s House.

This one is still available as a 8″ x 10″ limited addition archival print.  Click on this link to email me for details on pricing .















Also another fundraiser that I donated to supports Sacramento Self-Help Housing (, a local non-profit organization that helps people in need move from homelessness to permanent housing called “Let them eat Cake!” This was their 15th year.

Unfortunately, this was not a good photo…But you can get the gist of what it looks like. This is a cyanotype.


Categorized as New 2017

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