August 2016

I’ll be showing this piece in the Unofficial Lily Tomlin Show at FE Gallery for the next 2 months. This is Lily Tomlin as Edith Ann. It’s titled” And that’s the Truth.”\ Here’s a link to her doing Edith Ann on youtube.  

June Art News

Encaustic on Panel, 16" x 16"

I haven’t posted for a while as I’m getting ready for my 3 person show at Arthouse on R Street in Sacramento opening in July. I’ll be showing all new work, which will include my new fascination with Cyanotypes. More info on this process in the near future. I donated this piece titled Cose Rosa for the… Continue reading June Art News

Categorized as Welcome!

January 2016

With the start of the new year, I decided to do a challenge of 30 paintings in 30 days with some of my artist friends in Sacramento posting on Laura Seata’s 3o paintings in 30 days website. It’s been a challenge. I thought of it as just something to do everyday, but turns out its… Continue reading January 2016

Categorized as Welcome!

December 2015

December 2015

Several of the works I’m showing in the group show at Gallery 2110 for “Small Treasures.”

Categorized as Welcome!

September 2015

Here’s an article published in Inside Publication right now (September issue). Its free and located in boxes all over the Sacramento region. So honored to be asked to do this! Link to online version: Article is linked from Artist Spotlight and is on page 73. Inside Publication – East Sac  

Categorized as Welcome!

July 2015

I”ll be showing this and 14 other new pieces at 1616 Artspace, at 1616 Del Paso Blvd. I also been written up in the Sacramento News and Review. Thanks Shoka for the article!

Categorized as 2015