The last few months have been working hard to finish new work I wanted to be in my solo show. It’s kind of wild to think I’ve known about this for four years, and yet, I was still working on pieces right up to the last minute. I did get around to some of the ceramic sculptures I’ve been planning for a long time. Ran into a surprise with one, but it’s nothing another round in the kiln can’t fix.



This is one that is based on one of my paintings. What you are seeing is actually a mocked up version of my the fire sculpture. I use my IPAD in a app called Procreate. I work up a colored version to use as a guide for my glaze work. I wonder if anyone else does this.

Creating these 2 portraits was such fun. I’m inspired by my own figures from my painting to created these. 

Rosy's Retreart

This art piece showcases my interest for exploring alternative printmaking techniques, specifically adapting lithography for use on clay. The clay is fired and glazed, ensuring the image becomes a permanent fixture. Additionally, it features a built-in wall hanging mechanism.

Making 3D portraits has been really fun and a cool new direction for me, especially since I’m building on the characters from my own paintings. It feels like I’m giving them a whole new life beyond the canvas. I’ve been loving the process and I think you will get a kick out of seeing these familiar figures in a whole new way.