Do you ever feel like life is constantly getting in the way of your work? As an artist, I certainly know the feeling. Recently, I’ve been participating in a spring stay-at-home residency that’s made me acutely aware of how quickly time passes. It’s been eye-opening to see just how much time I’ve been spending on things that aren’t work-related. But I’m determined to change that. By identifying the patterns that are holding me back, I can work on correcting my course and become more productive. And I know I’m not alone in feeling like time slips away too quickly.  With a little focus and determination, we can make every minute count and achieve our goals – no matter what distractions life may throw our way.


Right now, I’m putting the finishing touches on “Curly” – a needle felted sculpture. But I’ve also been busy preparing for Print Day on May 6th. If you haven’t heard of it, Print Day is an international celebration where artists from all over the world come together to print and then showcase their work online. And let me tell you, it’s a blast to see everyone’s creativity and unique perspectives on display. One of the pieces I’ll be sharing is a lithographic pronto plate. So mark your calendars for May 6th and get ready to join in the fun. Who knows, maybe you’ll discover your next favorite artist or even be inspired to create something of your own