August 2

kiln ready to be fired

I finally had the kiln ready to fire, and all the shelves were loaded. However, I discovered the electrical outlet wasn’t working properly. It’s been extremely hot, and this old house might need a replacement. I called an electrician, but he canceled yesterday. So I called another one – I’m really disappointed as it is… Continue reading August 2

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June 16

I’m still learning, and there have been plenty of wobbly, misshapen pots along the way. But that’s all part of the fun! I’m thrilled to dive into this new medium and can’t wait to see where it takes me. The wheel is just the latest addition to my ever-growing arsenal of artistic techniques. I’m already… Continue reading June 16

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March 19

The last few months have been working hard to finish new work I wanted to be in my solo show. It’s kind of wild to think I’ve known about this for four years, and yet, I was still working on pieces right up to the last minute. I did get around to some of the… Continue reading March 19

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Dec 16

Getting ready for the new year and thinking about the past year. I’ve been MIA from this site for the last 4 months, but I’m back and ready to start updating again! I presently have a show with 6 other fantastic artist at The Barn Gallery in Woodland. The last few months I’ve been focused… Continue reading Dec 16

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September 2023

Foxy Dreamer

Just had to post the finished Foxy Dreamer. The color was so much richer once it was fired. I used Amaco velvet underglazes. I love using them – It has such a lovely surface.    Continuing my exploration of ceramics I finally got to glaze the bunny girl series. In finishing them I find there… Continue reading September 2023

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June 23

I finally found the time to glaze my sculpture, marking a significant step forward before the firing process. Time seems to slip away, as I’ve been participating in an online stay-at-home residency offered by the Jen Tough Gallery for the past 2.5 months. While I haven’t accomplished as much as I had initially planned   … Continue reading June 23

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May 3

The Garden

Do you ever feel like life is constantly getting in the way of your work? As an artist, I certainly know the feeling. Recently, I’ve been participating in a spring stay-at-home residency that’s made me acutely aware of how quickly time passes. It’s been eye-opening to see just how much time I’ve been spending on… Continue reading May 3

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April 12

I’m excited to share the progress of my  latest project: a felted wool lamb sculpture that I named Curly, for obvious reasons. The challenge in this piece was creating the wool texture, which I did by hand-rolling the wool around a bamboo skewer and pouring boiling water over it. Then, I steamed the wool to… Continue reading April 12

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March 8

Felted Wool

As an artist, I’m always drawn to experimenting with different materials to create something unique. During the Assemblage Challenge, I quickly threw together a sculpture using materials I had in my studio. While it had potential, it didn’t feel complete. Determined to transform it into something truly special, I used the original sculpture as a… Continue reading March 8

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February 22

Assemblage is a form of art that involves creating three-dimensional compositions by combining various found or pre-existing objects into a cohesive whole. The objects used in assemblage can be anything from discarded materials to household items, and can be arranged in a variety of ways to create unique, thought-provoking pieces. Recently, I participated in an… Continue reading February 22

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February 13

Really enjoyed lighting this.

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January 19

This prompt is the word Flora. I chose to felt petals around the baby’s face suggesting the idea of protection and nurturing, much like how we protect and nurture plants. I like this one so much that I am going to make a series of them in the near future.

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January 13

It’s been more than a week and I’ve managed to do a small work each day for the Assemblage Challenge from the Artist Alliance. I recently  joined this artist group. The image above is Prompt #13 – Disaster, which is appropriate for this day, Friday the 13th. I went to arrange my setup for my… Continue reading January 13

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January 8,2023

Happy New Year to all! Right now I’m doing an Assemblage challenge. I joined as a member of The Artist Alliance. So far the challenges of each day with a prompt have been really fun.  You’re not suppose to spend too much time on each piece. It’s just an exercise to get your brain and… Continue reading January 8,2023

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Nov 2022

Decided it was time to post an update. I haven’t posted since May, but been busy creating new work. I’ve been playing with throwing on a wheel, which I bought! But I digress. I also participated in a print exchange. That’s where a group of invited printmakers donate an edition of prints that gets put… Continue reading Nov 2022

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April 2022

April Fools Day, also called All Fools’ Day   It April 1st and I started wondering where exactly did April Fool’s Day or All Fool’s Day (England) originate. With a little google research it appears it is not really known where it comes from. There are several explanations, like the unpredictablity of weather patterns. There… Continue reading April 2022

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It’s March…

 March is here!  It is still cold.! But plants are blooming all over . I’ve  took another online class from Domestika- It is with an artist Cristina Cordova, whose works  I really admire – especially after taking the class. Above is one of her pieces. I love how she glazed her work. I’m going to… Continue reading It’s March…

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  I don’t know what you think, but I’m glad to see 2021 go, Although time seems to be going at a record speed as no day is very different from the next. I feel so lucky and grateful to be able to do my artwork. It is entertaining, gives me purpose, and allows me… Continue reading HAPPY NEW YEAR!