April 2022

April Fools Day, also called All Fools’ Day   It April 1st and I started wondering where exactly did April Fool’s Day or All Fool’s Day (England) originate. With a little google research it appears it is not really known where it comes from. There are several explanations, like the unpredictablity of weather patterns. There… Continue reading April 2022

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It’s March…

 March is here!  It is still cold.! But plants are blooming all over . I’ve  took another online class from Domestika- It is with an artist Cristina Cordova, whose works  I really admire – especially after taking the class. Above is one of her pieces. I love how she glazed her work. I’m going to… Continue reading It’s March…

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Categorized as 2022, blog


  I don’t know what you think, but I’m glad to see 2021 go, Although time seems to be going at a record speed as no day is very different from the next. I feel so lucky and grateful to be able to do my artwork. It is entertaining, gives me purpose, and allows me… Continue reading HAPPY NEW YEAR!

October 2021 Art News

Cyanotype, 7 x 7

Shown at Sparrow Gallery as a tribute to Solomon Dubnik, the former Tower Record owner.
This is how it feels to have two major shows at the same time!

Categorized as 2021

Artful Tales – July 2021

As the gallery world begins to open, I am working on my solo show coming up in October at Sparrow Gallery in Sacramento. In addition, I also am very pleased and excited to be showing 6 new pieces at Sue Greewood Fine Arts Gallery in Laguna Beach, CA. I am very busy! Also, Open Studio… Continue reading Artful Tales – July 2021

Categorized as 2021

Artful Tales – March 2021

As an artist, I spend a lot of time by myself in my studio creating art. This past year I learned that although I do spend a lot of time alone, the other part of my life includes interacting with other artists in galleries and shows, lectures, workshops. I never realized how wonderful it is… Continue reading Artful Tales – March 2021

Categorized as 2021