Artful Tales – March 2021

As an artist, I spend a lot of time by myself in my studio creating art. This past year I learned that although I do spend a lot of time alone, the other part of my life includes interacting with other artists in galleries and shows, lectures, workshops. I never realized how wonderful it is to get together with other artists, art appreciators, collectors, and gallery owners, I miss all of this and look forward when the day comes and we can be part of the world again.

I’m working on many paintings now. Here are 2 of them.

I’ve been taking a class with Bright Lights Fine Arts. It has opened up all kinds of new ideas on how to approach my paintings and has helped me make great improvements in my abilities. The portrait class and the still life class was fantastic. The figure painting class happened this past week of June 27th. These zoom workshop were started this past year in response to the pandemic. I am so grateful to the Artist Guild for having the foresight in expanding on this way of learning.

Categorized as 2021